Wednesday, May 1

Convicted Grandmother Fires at the UK Government for Condoning Death Penalty

Lindsay Sandiford, a 56-year-old grandmother of British origin, was handed down the death penalty in Bali by an Indonesian court for drug smuggling.

She is to be executed by a firing squad after being found guilty of smuggling 1.6 million Pounds Sterling worth of cocaine into the country in May, 2012

According to her written interview to Victoria Derbyshire on BBC Radio 5 Live, Sandiford compared the UK government’s outright refusal to pay for her lawyers as ‘tantamount to condoning the death penalty’ since she intended to appeal against the sentence.

Sandiford added, “The government has done very little to support me. The FCO has done even less. However, I have been able to talk about my situation and will continue to do so because there are others in similar desperate plights that are not seen.”

“There are, and will continue to be, British nationals facing execution without lawyers and because they cannot raise their voices the government is standing by refusing to assist with funding of lawyers for them.”

Ever since she was arrested and accused of being at the centre of a drugs ring, she has repeatedly denied she was attempting to sell drugs in Bali, insisting she had been coerced into carrying a suitcase full of cocaine by gangsters who were threatening to hurt one of her children.

However, she has shown appreciation to those who stood by her throughout her ordeal.

In the interview, Sandiford said, "I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the people who made donations together with the uplifting messages of support."

“In my darkest hour, this was like a ray of sunshine. I was beginning to feel that my situation was unbearable. I felt totally stranded and alone. The public's caring has shown just how wrong you can be.”

“I am blessed to know my family loved me whatever. Just giving has shown me that you are never alone. People really do care when they know.”
According to Reprieve, the charity body assisting Sandiford, the deadline for lodging the next stage of her appeal is early next week.

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