Tuesday, April 30

Musharraf’s Future Political Dreams Crushed by Court

The troubles of Retired General Pervez Musharraf has grown worse as the Peshawar High Court of Pakistan has issued a lifetime ban on the former president from contesting in any election in the country on Tuesday.

In reading out the order, Court Chief Dost Mohammad Khan said, “the former dictator [Musharraf] had ordered senior judges and their families be put under house arrest and twice abrogated the country’s constitution.”

The lifetime ban was imposed after Musharraf’s lawyer appealed to allow him to run in the upcoming election. Another lawyer of Musharraf’s, Saad Shibli, told reporters that he would go to the Supreme Court to challenge the ruling against his client, claiming that his client does not deserve to be punished alone since there were others involved  while Musharraf was in power.

Shibli said, “About 500 officials at different levels and institutions were part of Musharraf’s actions, and if those actions come under scrutiny, all those people should be involved in the matter.”

The Anti-Terrorism Court in Rawalpindi added to his confinement on Tuesday, by putting him on house arrest until May 14 while prosecutors prepare to try him for conspiracy to murder former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto.  That implies Musharraf will remain indoors on Election Day.

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