Saturday, April 20

Texas: Gunman Hijacks Bus, Later Commits Suicide

Only some hours ago, a gunman hijacked a Texas City bus in Austin, Texas, which led to a high speed chase for 30 miles before he pulled over and killed himself.

 According to the press release from Lt. James Nisula by Associated Press Radio, the man boarded a bus about 4.30 pm on Saturday. Then, he forced two passengers at gunpoint (including the bus driver) to leave the vehicle and drove off.

Police identified the vehicle and chased after it. After several attempts to get the gunman to pull over and turn off the engine failed, they laid down road spikes and deflated the bus tires. The man eventually entered an auto parts outlet’s parking lot.

Officers heard a gunshot as they surrounded the bus. Apparently, the man fatally shot himself to death. No names have been released by the Police.

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