Saturday, May 4

Massacre in Coastal Town Forces Syrian Residents to Flee

A great number of Sunni Muslims and their families have fled their residences in the coastal area of Banias, after Assad’s armed forces massacred dozens of people on Friday night, according to activists.

According to reports, activists claimed that about 77 people were brutally killed in the Ras al-Nabaa district of Banias, only two days after dozens of people were killed in the nearby village of al-Baida by Assad’s forces and militia loyal to the Syrian president.

British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), said that hundreds of families were estimated to have fled the town for nearby towns like Jableh and Tartous.

Head of SOHR Rami Abdelrahman said, “The army is turning people back at the checkpoints outside the town, telling them to go back to Banias, that nothing is wrong. There are also announcements going out on mosque loudspeakers telling people to return home.”

There was a footage posted online by the SOHR of a gory scene in Ras al-Nabaa. Mutilated and burnt bodies littered the area. Some were lying in pools of blood, and most of the victims were children.

Another footage showing the bodies of dozens of people killed in Banias on Friday night was posted online by activists. The bodies were those of a family, with women and children included.

The US state department released a statement after it got wind of the incidents that occurred lately.

“We strongly condemn atrocities against the civilian population and reinforce our solidarity with the Syrian people. As the Assad regime’s violence against innocent civilians escalates, we will not lose sight of the men, women and children whose lives are being so brutally cut short.”

“Those responsible for serious violations of international humanitarian law and serious violations and abuses of human rights law must be held accountable.”

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