Monday, June 17

Iran: President-Elect Vows Transparency over Nuclear Issues

President-elect Hassan Rouhani has called for more transparency and mutual trust between Iran and the West over its disputed nuclear programme during his first news conference since Friday's election.

Mr Rouhani described international sanctions imposed on his country over the issue as "unfair" even as he told reporters Tehran would not suspend its uranium enrichment activities - a key stumbling block in the continuing talks between Tehran and world powers. .

During the conference on Monday, he said, "Our nuclear programmes are completely transparent. But, we are ready to show greater transparency and make clear for the whole world that the steps of the Islamic Republic of Iran are completely within international frameworks."

He added that his government would work towards "constructive interaction with the world", thanking Iranians for "choosing moderation".

He explained that efforts to end continuing fighting in Syria and restore stability must rest with "the Syrian people" and that the economy would be his main priority.

According to him, relations between Iran and the US were "an old wound that needs to be healed".

Iran has been the target of four rounds of UN sanctions and numerous UN Security Council resolutions calling on it to cease enrichment work.

Over the past few years, the West has suspected Iran of trying to build nuclear weapons. However, Iran has defended its programme, claiming it is entirely peaceful

The new Iranian president, who is seen as moderate compared with the other five contenders, has sparked the interests of Western powers, who have given indications that they are willing to strengthen their poor relations with the Islamic republic.

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Hassan Rouhani on winning the election, adding that he believes Rouhani will work hard in order to strengthen Russian-Iranian relations.

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