Tuesday, June 18

Ashley Cole in a 2am Stand-off with Anton Ferdinand

RACE row football rivals Ashley Cole and Anton Ferdinand came face-to-face in a 2am bust-up in a car park.

The pair were separated by pals following a tense stand-off outside a nightclub in Los Angeles.

Cole’s England team-mate Andy Carroll appeared to put a protective arm across him to keep the men apart.

A source said: “There was no row, no confrontation. They spoke but that was it. There might not be much love lost between them but there was no trouble.”

There has been a rift since Chelsea’s John Terry was accused of calling Ferdinand, 28, a “f***ing black ****” in a 2011 game.

He was cleared of race abuse in court after team-mate Cole, 32, backed his account. Ferdinand later snubbed a pre-match handshake with both of the players.

Ferdinand’s spokesman last night declined to comment. Cole’s spokesman did not respond to a request to comment.

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