Saturday, May 4

Five US Soldiers Killed in Afghan Roadside Bombing

According to officials of the US-led ISAF, at least five troops working as a part of NATO forces have been killed in a roadside bombing in the Kandahar province of southern Afghanistan on Saturday.

Kandahar police chief General Abdul Razeq told AFP news agency, “Five American soldiers were killed about noon when their armoured vehicle hit a powerful roadside mine in Maiwand district.”

Spokesperson for Kandahar governor, Faisal Javi, confirmed the incident, which occurred in a district that the Taliban has a stronghold on. But, the group has not claimed responsibility for the attack.

NATO’s ISAF said in a statement on Saturday that the troops died in an improvised explosive device (IED) attack.

“Every soldier who dies here in Afghanistan is one too many. But again, this will not have an effect on our overall campaign. We stay committed and will stay committed in this country to support the Afghans also in the future”, ISAF spokesman Brig. Gen. Gunter Katz said.

The attack occurred only a few days after three British soldiers were killed in a similar attack in the neighbouring province of Helmand.

Only on Sunday, the Taliban had declared the start of its annual “spring offensive” on government forces, diplomatic areas and their international allies.

By the end of 2014, NATO troops are expected to exit Afghanistan, when all operations are due to be completed.

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