Monday, May 6

Explosion at a JUI-F Rally in Pakistan Leaves Many Injured

There have been reports of an explosion killing at least 15 people, and leaving several injured at a political rally of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam faction candidate, Munir Orakzai in Kurram Agency on Monday.

Although, Orakzai was believed to have escaped the bombing unhurt, a government administrator in the region claimed about 50 people were injured in the attack.

He also added that the bomb appeared to have been placed in the building where the rally was to be held by the national assembly candidates of JUI faction.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but, it is not news that the Pakistani Taliban has strongly opposed the elections, calling it “un-Islamic”, and carrying it out its threats to disrupt the activities of the main parties in the outgoing coalition.

Interim Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mir Hazar, has strongly condemned the attack, as the violence has continuously risen ahead of the general elections, with over 60 people killed in the attacks directed at the political parties and their candidates since April 11.

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