Friday, May 3

Ever Wondered Why Women are attracted to the ‘Bad Boy’ Personality?

“There is a split between love for men they see as good, dependable and reliable, and desire for men they see as exciting, reckless, and dangerous…bad boys.”   - Anonymous

Peter Jonason of New Mexico University conducted a study of 200 male college students to determine why narcissists, risk-seekers and liars have not been made extinct due to their undesirable traits. What he found was astonishing.

Apparently, he found out that most women want self-obsessed, lying psychopaths for partners.  Men with these traits had more sexual partners and a greater desire for short-term hookups.

Now, wait a minute . . . . . we are here for answers, not to criticize the personality that thousands of guys are desperate to adopt; the very personality that seems to make women feel “on top of the world”.

You don’t need a spiritualist to tell you who they are or what they look like. From local and international celebrities, to your very next door neighbor, men with the “bad boy” traits are well known in our society.

The average bad boy has certain traits that make the society see him for what he is. But, before we can fully understand why these complex beings called “females” are attracted to these personality, we have to understand the psychology behind the average bad boy.

Bad boys are devilishly charming, at least most of them. They have this aura around them that gives them the ability to suck out the oxygen in any room and get the ladies staring till their eyes literally fall out.

Bad boys are confident. I mean that kind of confidence where they can stare into your eyes without blinking. This trait gives them the power to tell lies to your face without flinching and get out of tight situations without looking guilty.

Another trait is independence. I can’t really call them “principled”, but bad boys like to stand on their own and make decisions regardless of how it affects others. They really don’t give a damn what you think and they don’t care who they upset to meet their objectives, so long as it favors them alone.

Bad boys are more like control freaks. They are very possessive.  They like to play the “alpha male” in every group, brag about what they’ve got and be the center of attraction in every social gathering or function. They don’t take ‘no’ for an answer, and they certainly don’t share their “prized” possessions with anyone. Not ever!

Bad boys are risk-takers in their own right. They can fight for what is theirs (and what is not theirs), and can make the other guy look silly just to get the girl. They do not spend time trying to analyze the situation they just “go with the flow”.

Another trait exhibited by these trouble makers is spontaneity. Bad boys are very spontaneous. They are fun lovers and seekers. They love to do the things women can only dream about or read in books, no matter how twisted it may sound. It’s a trait every woman would desire to see in her man, because it is as though the man knows exactly what goes on in their heads, knows what they need without saying the words and gives them without objections.

However, not every bad boy possesses these traits, as most bad boys rely on their bank accounts to get any lady they so desire. But, it is important to note that one or more of these traits must be present in every guy with bad boy personality.

This is true, because most ladies will definitely get bored of a guy who has enough money to throw around, but does not possess the “genes” of the bad boy she’s been dreaming about. Money is definitely not everything.

It should be understood here, that I am not in any way trying to give the “bad boy” personality some credit. The average bad boy only represents the fantasies of most women who desire men that can give them that confidence they need to express their darkest desires without fear of the consequences.  

In the end, a bad boy refuses to be tied to one woman, so he will continue seek pleasure in others. Some will let their possessive attitude turn them into living nightmares. Some will continue to play with the hearts of unsuspecting females, because the fun is way too much to ignore. Others will physically and emotionally abuse women, because they believe they are too indispensable for any woman to live without.

The “bad boy” personality is simply a personality. Every man will get tired of playing that role, and find a responsible woman to settle down with, while every woman will shrug off their thirst for a bad boy, and settle for a “real man”.

Food for thought…….

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