Saturday, April 20

What Nigerians Must Learn From The Capture of the Second Boston Bombing Suspect

After hours of breath-taking manhunt for the teenage suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been caputred. The Police said they exchanged gunfire with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, after cornering him in Watertown, near Boston. He was found hiding in a boat in a surbuban homeowner's backyard, looking injured.

It was a night of celebration for the people of Boston, as they can finally sleep better at night, knowing that the passionate, patriotic men and women of the Boston Police Department will always be there to guarantee their safety.

The search is over, but the sad memories of the bomb attack, the deaths of three innocent Americans, the injuries forced on hundreds of others, the adrenaline rush, the gunfights, the destruction of properties, and the unrelentless hunt for the culprits of the dastardly acts for the past of few days will forever linger in the heart of many.

US President Barack Obama has commended  the efforts of law enforcers and Bostonians, saying, ''Tonight, our nation is in debt to the people of Boston. They all worked as they should as a team''. He has ordered a full investigation into the reasons why men who grew up and studied as part of the community resorted to violence.

While Anzor Tsarnaev, father of slain Tamerlan and captured Dzhokhar, believes it was a terrorist attack carefully organised by secret services he is not certian of (in his words, he claims his son used to go to a mosque, so they once paid us a visit to ask why he is doing that.), Ruslan Tsarni, an uncle of the suspects who lives in Maryland, said he was "ashamed" at his nephews' alleged role in the bombings.

What do we really know about these men?. Dzhokhar, 19, was awarded a scholarship to pursue further education; he wanted to become a brain surgeon, according to his father.Tamerlan, 26, was an amateur boxer who had reportedly taken time off college to train for a competition; he described himself as a "very religious" non-drinker and non-smoker.

The elder brother comes across less social, not quite fitting into American life or making friends. As he is seven years older, could it be that he drew his younger sibling into his own world in which he seemed to be exploring radical Islamist ideology?.

The attack may not have been extreme like September 11 attacks, but it was seen as a threat to every breathing American, and the government unleashed on only two men its mostly deadly and unrelenting agents to ensure that justice is served cold. That is a government willing to do anything to ensure that every American can sleep well at night.

What have Nigerians learnt about the intense week Americans have gone through?. We have become a country where religious and tribal disasters have made enemies out of friends, ignorance has made its bed into the hearts of many, government has done little to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens and parents do very little to bring up their children in the right way.

When will our intelligence services and police force set up to the challenge in the hunt for those who seek to destroy what's left our unity?. When will every tribe learn to trust and love one another?. When will parents put more efforts into bringing up their children in the right way so that their future will be bright?. When will the government stop being cowardly and ensure that Nigerians gain their trust again?. When will the youth open their eyes and kick ignorance and hate from their hearts?

Talk is cheap. Action will always speak louder than words even if the largest public address system was utilised. It is said that a word is enough for those wise enough to listen. Have we learnt anything at all?

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