Friday, April 26

North Korea Ignores Deadline for Formal Talks on Kaesong

In the recent weeks of deteriorated relations between, North Korea and South Korea, South Korea proposed formal talks on Kaesong Industrial Complex, urging the North to take advantage of the offer before noon on Friday. But, Pyongyang has ignored their neighbors on talks that would see operations restart at the joint industrial zone.

Initially, Seoul had warned Pyongyang of ‘grave measures’ if they declined the offer which was due to expire in 24 hours from Thursday. More than 120 South Korean companies operated at Kaesong before Pyongyang suspended operations on April 9.

Apparently, the workers were ordered to stop coming to work because the government was upset by the ‘military’ contingency plan set up by Seoul to protect its staff at the site

Kaesong was a product of a symbolic co-operation between the Koreans. The North’s sudden decision to suspend its operations was unexpected. The average salary of North Korean workers is $127 a month, which is less than one-sixteenth of the average salary of South Korean manufacturer workers, according to South Korea’s government.

With the borders closed by North Korea, the food and medical supplies of the South Koreans staying behind to protect their investment, is dwindling.

South Korean President Park Geun-Hye told South Korean journalists, ‘how the Kaesong issue is handled will be a touchstone for whether South-North relations will be predictable and sustainable. I want the issue to be resolved quickly, but I would say there should not be a solution like funneling aid, as has happened in the past.’

A spokesman for the South Korean companies, Ok Sung-Seok, said that his government has decided to protect the industrial complex no matter what difficulties they may face.

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